Ravish Chawla

4292 Perimeter Park E · Atlanta, GA 30341 · (678) 332-6565 · ravishchawla@gmail.com

I am a Data Analytics Engineer experienced in Machine Learning techniques and research, who has worked on and built multiple products that leverage large amounts of data. I am always curious about new research technologies, seeing how they can be applied to modern problems, and building those solutions.


Software Engineer in Advanced R&D — Office of the CTO


Filed 7 Patents as part of ongoing research and proof-of-concept implementations, ranging in different fields including Mobile Security and Management, Natural Language Processing, 3D Printing, and Voice-based search systems.

Created an end-to-end product for Data Analytics using Time Series Analysis on live streaming data, Natural Language Processing for real customer feedback data, and Category Classification on bulk logging data.

Created integrations for security partners Lookout and Carbon Black, which became part of a new product – VMWare Trust Network, a platform for intelligently managing security by collaboratively gathering threats from multiple sources.

Developed serverless connectors, led architecture design, and wrote components for the original use case for a new product – Workspace One Hub Chatbot with Watson, a service that is now offered to all customers as part of Workspace One.

Submitted 3 publications to the company’s research conference – Radio@, corresponding to Innovation Work and research.

Participated in 2 internal Hackathons, creating new apps, including developing Machine Learning models for English and Spanish language understanding for voice, and a backend system for Contact Tracing for Covid-19. Worked with Product Managers to get the apps onto product roadmap.

Atlanta, GA
2017 – Present

Research Engineering Intern in Advanced R&D

VMWare AirWatch

Developed a Machine Learning algorithm to learn and predict behavior of vehicle drivers from device sensor and status data collected by mobile devices, and created a corresponding Android app to enforce restrictions inferred by the algorithm.

Filed 2 Patents (now approved) for finding a unique approach to driver and passenger identification using Machine Learning.

Atlanta, GA
Summer 2016

Software Engineer


Worked on Cross Platform Game Development using Unity Game Studio. Created and developed several features for the mobile game Zynga Poker as part of a team, which were released and are being used by millions of users today.

San Francisco, CA
Jan – May 2015

Software Engineering Intern


Worked on the Push Notification service for Zynga Poker, developing a feature that was deployed on the web platform.

San Francisco, CA
Summer 2014


Georgia Institute of Technology

Master of Science in Computer Science
Specialization in Machine Learning

GPA: 3.87 / 4.0

Graduate Research included an accepted publication to IEEE VAST 2017 Conference (21% acceptance rate)

Additional experience included Graduate Professor’s Assistantship, and a summer internship in related field

Atlanta, GA
2015 - 2017

Georgia Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

GPA: 3.83 / 4.0

Atlanta, GA
2012 - 2014


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Udacity Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree
  • Coursera Deep Learning Specialization


Apart from being an engineer, I enjoy a lot of activities.

I am the Author and manager of a blog that covers various topics in Machine Learning, Data Analytics, and Visualizations. Writing since 2017, with an average of 10K viewers per month – https://medium.com/ml2vec.

I am the President of the Peachtree Toastmasters Club since 2019, a club that has been part of the Atlanta community since 1980s. As a president of this organization, I manage a team of 6 officers and 30 club members, managing various tasks including the club’s ongoing growth, achieving a president’s distinguished status within the global Toastmasters organization, and more recently, leading the club’s migration to an online educational curriculum and meetings – http://peachtreetm.org.

I am an Active volunteer at an Atlanta Foodbank, where I serve hands on every week to help prepare meals with other volunteers, and to serve the homeless in Atlanta every Saturday – https://food4lives.org.

Certifications and Accomplishments

  • Udacity Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree
  • Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree
  • Coursera Deep Learning Specialization
  • Competent Communicator and Persuasive Influence Certifications in Public Speaking from Toastmasters
  • 9 Patents submitted through the US Patent Office (2 Approved)